Sunday, February 28, 2010
Great Church Family Fellowship
A Thought for the Second Sunday in Lent
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Don't forget to come for Breakfast!
Come and share this time together with your church family starting at 8:30 am and then join us in the sanctuary and receive the spiritual food you need!
Don't forget to bring a FRAN (Friend, Relative, and Neighbor)!!!
Monday, February 22, 2010
The FUMC Has a New Welcome Mat
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A thought for the First Sunday in Lent

Friday, February 19, 2010
Christianity and World Religions Study starts 2-21-10

Who: Anyone interested in learning
What: Learn more about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, & Islam. What they have in common, and what makes them unique.
When: Sundays (Feb. 21 - Mar. 28) @ 5:30 pm
Where: First United Methodist Church - McCamey (1601 S. Burleson)
Why: Wrestling with the questions people ask.
How: Bring a ""brown bag" supper, watch a dvd/video presentation by the Rev. Adam Hamilton, and share in a discussion. Child care will be provided.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Lenten journey begins
Ash Wednesday 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A prayer for Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday") and Carnival ("Farewell to Meat") precede Ash Wednesday and Lent around the world, even where Lent has ceased to have much religious meaning.
The following prayer for Mardi Gras is from the Creighton University (Omaha, Nebraska) Online Ministries page:
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Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for it is from your goodness that we have this day to celebrate on the threshold of the Season of Lent. Tomorrow we will fast and abstain from meat. Today we feast. We thank you for the abundance of gifts you shower upon us. We thank you especially for one another.
As we give you thanks, we are mindful of those who have so much less than we do. As we share these wonderful gifts together, we commit ourselves to greater generosity toward those who need our support. Prepare us for tomorrow.
Tasting the fullness of what we have today, let us experience some hunger tomorrow. May our fasting make us more alert and may it heighten our consciousness so that we might be ready to hear your Word and respond to your call.
As our feasting fills us with gratitude so may our fasting and abstinence hollow out in us a place for deeper desires and an attentiveness to hear the cry of the poor. May our self-denial turn our hearts to you and give us a new freedom for generous service to others.
We ask you these graces with our hearts full of delight and stirring with readiness for the journey ahead. We ask them with confidence in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Prayer for Transfiguration of the Lord Sunday
(Church of the Transfiguration, Mt. Tabor - Israel)
Transforming and Holy God … The glory of Your Presence is much too brilliant for our stammering words to make sense in telling others. We find ourselves face down in awe and yet these moments become our faith story. With tremendous love, You have whispered "Shhh… Listen."
With tremendous love Jesus lifts us up and veils Your holy radiance once more so that we might keep our eyes upon Him. And with tremendous love, Your Son walks to the cross for us. O God, help us see Your Presence with a brilliance that is unmistakable. Be with us in our silence as we soon prepare to step out on our Lenten journey.
Form our sentences in Your most perfect of timing, sending us out to tell what we have seen as truth. Give us blessed eyes to see Your Holy Presence around us and a renewed understanding of what You would have us tell others. Amen.
(The Rev. Anna Murdock, Broadstreet UMC, Statesville, NC)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Prayer asked for Russell Memorial UMC

“They got the building – not the church,” stated member Nathan David only hours after the Thursday morning, February 4, blaze. Even as the fire still burned and the church roof collapsed, church members were already witnessing to God’s presence in their midst as they began setting up chairs in two-year-old Dean Hall in anticipation of Sunday worship.
Monday, February 8, 2010
A Letter from the Conference Treasurer

Sunday, February 7, 2010
February 7th in Iraan
Thursday, February 4, 2010
UMCOR Health Kit Update

"Sending a HUGE thank you to all that brought in/or mailed Health Kits for Haiti ! We received an email yesterday from the Conference Office with a deadline date. Please share with the teams that continue to assemble these kits. "
"We have had a wonderful response to our request for the Health Kits - 3,000+. We need to let you know that we will need them by Monday or Tuesday of next week (2/8-9/2010). We will be renting a U-Haul truck to take the kits to Sager Brown. We would like to thank each of your churches for the wonderful response."
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dorothy Young's Funeral Service
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Obituary for Dorothy Young

As a young girl she helped her father with the family farm, store/café, and helped with her three brothers. As a young lady she headed west to California where during WWII she became a welder in the ship yards, after the war she worked in a box factory. She then came to Texas where she owned and operated “The Happy Valley Package Store and Station” for twenty two years.
Dorothy married her late husband Gerald Young on January 30, 1968 in Pecos, Texas. Gerald Young preceded her in death on February 4, 2002. During their thirty four years of marriage they enjoyed traveling and spending time with family, friends, and loved ones. Dorothy was also preceded in death by her parents Cecil and Anna Gentry as well as her brother Leon Gentry.
Although Dorothy never had children of her own she helped her brother Leon raise his two sons Frank and Cecil. She made sure everyone knew they were “her boys.” In her last years “her boys” along with Lavita and other close family and friends where there to help and take care of her.
Dorothy also had nine great grand children and a number of nieces and nephews. Dorothy was known to all of us as Mamaw.
Dorothy enjoyed playing cards with long time friends Imogene Bryant and Wanda Watts along with many other friends and family. Dorothy was an exceptional cook and loved to entertain family and friends.
The family wishes to extend many thanks to all who cared for Dorothy during her illness. In place of flowers donations may be made to Dorothy’s favorite charity “The West Texas Boys Ranch” in San Angelo, Texas, or a charity of your choice.